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Melissa Whitney

Contemporary Romance Author

In the Hello and the Goodbye

Can distance help two broken hearts come back together? After a tragic event one year ago, Evie Johnson and Colm Gallagher’s five-year relationship seems to be slipping away. Far too often the seat beside Evie at events is empty and her once big smile doesn’t reach her eyes. When Colm leaves to teach in Costa Rica for sixty days, the miles magnify the space between them.

Unwilling to lose Evie and what they’d once had, Colm proposes an experiment. While he’s in Costa Rica they will go on a series of elaborate long distance dates in hopes of getting back the “We” they’d once been. Can long distance dating bring them back together or will it hasten their “Goodbye?”


In the Hello and the Goodbye, animated image of a woman, a man, and a corgi

Content Warnings:
 Pregnancy Issues (On Page)
 Death of a Parent (Discussed)
 Consensual Sex (On Page)
 Gaslighting (On Page)
 Impact of Parental Divorce
 Impact of Parental Abandonment
 Vomiting (On Page/Brief)

Finding Home

Home Series, Book One

Release Date: July 2, 2024

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a heroine with a love of a good book is in want of her
own happy ending…if she lets herself.

Eleanor “Elle” Davidson has avoided going back to her hometown. Out of excuses, she’s back home for thirty days to confront the ghosts of her past  including the mother she hasn’t spoken to in eighteen years. Soon, Elle discovers that sometimes going back can help you move forward.

In the search for her authentic self, she finds an unexpected passion for the village’s handsome
veterinarian, Dr. Clayton Owens. Will her feelings for Clayton be enough to free her heart from the prison of her past, or will she do what she’s always done…run away?

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Paperback preorders will be available via several booksellers including MERIT BADGE BOOKS in Hamburg, NY, Barnes & Noble, The Ripped Bodice, Meet Cute Books in San Diego, CA, and other booksellers. Once links are available, they will be added to this website, provided via my newsletter, and on social media.

You can also request your local bookseller to preorder this title for you to be picked up or
delivered to your home on release date.

The Audiobook will be available on July 2, 2024, via Audible and iTunes.

Content Warnings:
 Discussion of Sexual Assault (Not on page)
 Discussion of Attempted Suicide (Not on page)
 Panic Attack (On Page)
 Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Discussed and on page)
 Combat Injury (Discussed)
 Parental Abandonment
 Impact of Parental Divorce
 Loss of Sibling (Discussed)
 Loss of Grandparent (Discussed)
 Consensual Sex (On Page)
 Vomit (On page/brief)
 Self-Image/Self-Love Issues Related to Weight (Discussed)

Melissa Whitney

With a name like Melissa Whitney, she had two choices; become a Real Housewife or a romance writer. Lucky for us, Andy Cohen hasn’t called yet!


Melissa Whitney hails from Western New York but resides in Southern California with her sports-obsessed husband and rescue pugs. With a master’s in social work from the University of Buffalo (UB), Melissa’s career has focused on people. What’s romance but the exploration of people? The transition from healthcare to romance author was a logical one (at least for Melissa).

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